Recreating pixilated images

Pixilated images are images that have been zoomed to a point that the picture is no longer clear and one can’t tell what the image is about. 

Most science fiction movies use this their scene. In their control room they get a satellite image of an individual and display it in a big screen but usually not clear and there is this IT geek with glasses keys in a few keys on the keyboard and walla a clear image of the individual is seem.

Goggle has now brought these to reality. By the use of deep machine learning project Google brain software is able to analyze the pixilated image and be able to recreate a better image that will be easy to use.

Google Brain's software does this with two stages of neural network training. The first stage involves a "conditioning network" that cross references the 8 x 8 pixelated image with similar-looking images that are higher resolution and then downsized, checking for patterns and colors

The second stage, called the "prior network" then uses details from high-resolution images to try to fill out the low-resolution images.

"When some details do not exist in the source image, the challenge lies not only in ‘deblurring’ an image, but also in generating new image details that appear plausible to a human observer," the Google Brain researchers wrote in their paper.

They have carried out successful test with celebrities photos which they pixilated then fed the machine to observe how it will recreate it.  Its still not yet clear when the full product will be out or even if it will be commercialized

As technologies professionals this might end up as a good innovation in the security field as video output from DVR with very poor quality which end up not valuable  because in the event of crime the criminals is not visible.With these innovation will come in handy in recreating the images .